Thursday, October 22, 2009

Job Perks

There are times when my job drives me crazy. The past couple weeks have been filled with headaches of misbehaving children, lack of classroom space, miscommunications with fellow teachers, and dozens of other stressors. But thankfully, my job is also filled with moments of sunshine. Sometimes those moments are poignant. Sometimes they're just plain funny. My 11th graders just took their Unit 1 Test, and as a part of the test they had to write a letter to an imaginary American pen pal (Ben/Julie). The following are a few gems I found hidden among the run-of-the-mill grammatical mistakes.

Dear Julie,
My baby. Did you miss me? I did.
[written by--in case you couldn't tell--a boy]

Dear Ben,
Hello! Omg. I have so much to tell you about me.
[written by--in case you couldn't tell--a girl]

Dear Ben,
In my free time I love to dance. Nobody on the face of this earth can stop me from moving my feet to the music. That would be like trying to stop a natural disaster.

Did I mention that I love my job?


Kristen [Teamfuest] said...


Kelly Alberts said...

holy cow i love your job, too!!

krazytrina said...

Haha! Wonderful. I especially can relate to the last one. Unfortunately I get some pretty bad jokes sometimes myself. ;) love you Katie!

LSP said...

Hi Katie, I saw your mom and dad last night at the Covenant Acres 25th anni celebration. They said you were doing well. So I thought I'd check out your blog... so happy you are enjoying your life in the Peace Corps. I'm jealous. Lynn Sue